Above Deck Electrical Connections

Written by our expert, Christy!

Many deck stepped masts have electrical connections (Mast Head Light, Steaming/Foredeck Lights, Wind Transducer Cables) that run thru the deck at the mast step. This can lead to water leaking into the cabin area as well as getting into the core of the deck around the mast step. One way to reduce water getting in is to install deck fittings for the electrical connections. These fittings are water-tight, have a “clean” look to the deck and help when unstepping/stepping the mast.

The electrical connections are made just below deck, usually in the headliner of the cabin top. Some boats (Beneteau, Catalina) have the connections hidden behind panels by the compression posts. Every Spring and Fall, these panels must be removed to access the connections. The screws holding the panels in place tend to strip the fiberglass rather easily, thus causing the panel to sag down. With above deck electrical connections, the need to remove these panels is completely avoided.

There are generally four connections to be made: a 2-pin connection for the masthead light, a 4-pin connection for the Steaming/Foredeck lights, a VHF Bulkhead adapter (female) with 2 male RG-8 ends and a NMEA Bulkhead adapter with male and female field connectors for the Wind Transducer. In order for the connections to be watertight, they must be “seated” into the deck which requires drilling into the deck. Once connected to the boat’s wiring, sealant is placed and the fitting is set with either screws or locking nuts. The corresponding fittings are attached to the wiring from the mast. Plug everything in and you’re good to go!

If you’re interested in moving your electrical connections to above deck, contact us. We’ll be more than happy to “walk” you through your DIY project or if you prefer not drilling into your deck, for $250 we can do the whole project for you. 


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